format 20*20 cm / 8*8 inches
year 2020
medium acrylic on canvas / Acryl auf Leinwand
worldwide shipping / weltweiter Versand
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„OM NAMO NARAYANAYA“ – Let peace and love prevail in all hearts
„You see, this mantra is a very powerful mantra. By chanting this mantra, one gets calmness of the mind. The mind becomes calm and it lets go of all the worries, removing all the pain. And it also bestows on you a lot of wealth. It doesn’t look after only your spiritual advancement. It also helps you to advance materially, because I know not everybody likes only to center themselves on the spiritual path, you know, they like also the material path; both are important. Do you like it also? So don’t be shy. Chant: Om Namo Narayanaya“
Sri Swami Vishwananda
Each step of this painting is guided and filled with the mantra.
I am so connected with the picture that I later on see, feel and move in the colors and the pattern in my meditation.
„OM NAMO NARAYANAYA“ – Let peace and love prevail in all hearts
„You see, this mantra is a very powerful mantra. By chanting this mantra, one gets calmness of the mind. The mind becomes calm and it lets go of all the worries, removing all the pain. And it also bestows on you a lot of wealth. It doesn’t look after only your spiritual advancement. It also helps you to advance materially, because I know not everybody likes only to center themselves on the spiritual path, you know, they like also the material path; both are important. Do you like it also? So don’t be shy. Chant: Om Namo Narayanaya“
Sri Swami Vishwananda
Jeder einzelne Schritt bei diesem Bild wurde mit dem Mantra begleitet und gefüllt.
Ich bin so mit dem Bild verbunden, dass ich später in meiner Meditation die Farben und Muster sehe, spüre und mich in ihnen bewege.