format 19,7*23,6 inches
year 2021
medium acrylic on canvas
worldwide shipping
for enquiries: info@sabineschlindwein.de
The light of creation comes from the higher spheres of being / from the supramental and from Paramatman / god. The transformation takes place in the light and through the light.
The light is knowledge, peace, love and felicity.
The light provides you with all what you need. It takes care of your physical body, your vital body and your psychic being.
You get all the information you need to know when the time is right.
You can feel, see and hear the light.
The light protects and nurtures you.
The light lets you experience the divine truth.
Each of us has his own approach to the divine light.
The one important thing is: to be open and to receive.
All I have to do is to yearn for the light and then it flows into me. By now my body is calling itself the light.
All is simple. I yearn for the light, I open myself and I receive. That’s all you have to do to realize yourself.
I transferred the Mantra “OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH” to the painting.
OM: I implore the Supreme Lord. Namo: I obey Him. Bhagavateh: Make me divine. ~ Mirra Alfassa, The Mother